In our graphic studio we propose and after produce whatever print in the cooperation with our printer, we eventually prepare the lithographys, if you have your own.
Below we mention some principles, with them is according to our opinion right to have acquainted with, before you send to our studio your details for production of whatever print ( leaflet, headed paper, bulletin, annual report, study etc.)
The best eventually in The MS-WORD format, nonformatted paragraphs, ( type’s attributes, aligment into blocks etc.). Next suitable file format is the output of whatever The ASCII editor as such for example. Notepad. It means files with the .doc, .txt bin etc. The last possibility is text, what isn’t in the electronic form. If it is going on the advertisement in press, just sent the text by fax. But you remember, that the needed time for proccesing such bases is far longer than in case of the electronic form……..
It often happens, that customer hands down the logo in The MS-WORD format, let as say with the embedded image (bitmap) of Low Resolution. This resolution is nearly the worst alternative. The ideal resolution is logotype’s delivery in curves, it means in the vector form ( with all texts converted also into the curves).
The typical types of the proper formats are following files:_file aplication The Adobe Illustrator ® (.Al), texts in curves.
_file aplication The Corel Draw! ® (.CDR), texts in curves.
_and the next files with the .PDF, .EPS or .PS bins.
If you don’t dispose of any from above-mentioned files, you can of course your logo vectorize by ourself. To this it is necessary to deliver the logo in one of the undermentioned forms:- format the TIFF with the resolution minimally 300 dpi – under obserance the certain circumstances it’s not necessary such file vectorize. ( we like to tell you the details)
- exit from the laser jet in sufficient size ( if the black and white elaboration will be competent.)
- high-quality colour print ( the best without the distinct screen.)
- casual bitmap formats, as such .GIF, .JPG, .BMP etc., and it laical says – as big as possible – ( in size and/or in disk place) and if it is possible without previous use ( losing) compression. It’s good to exactly know the logo’s colour in compliance with The PANTOME ® colour card, or according to colour breakup The CMYK.
If you have at least colour print from commercial press, it is possible to relatively exactly identificate the colours by the help of colour card in our The DTP studio.
After the final graphic elaboration are following the corrections. It’s necessary to give due heed to this step. In the midst of the most common corrects form belong the corrections by electronic mail ( mostly in The PDF format) or right here in our studio with the possibility of immediate corrections.
In the midst of less suitable and today rarely use forms we can insert for example corrections by fax.
If it is use more colours in the document and it isn’t sure, that they will not look as you imagine, you will ask for the proof. It something cost though, nevertheless you have sure, that what you see on the proof, you will see even on printed document ( even of with slight departures above all caused by other print technology – chemical proof versus digital proof versus offset printing.) The proof is the rule in higher costs or in sizeable studies
Generally hold, the higher expense the less price of the one print’s piece. But it is too necessary suitable select the print tecnology – for example while leaflets printing for expense lower then 1000 pieces you use the laser jet services and you will not put money into an offset. .